This privacy policy is provided pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 – Italian Personal Data Protection Code  (hereinafter, the “Privacy Code”) to those who interact with web services accessible via internet at the address: The privacy policy is relevant only to the Web Site in question and not to other web sites which the user might access via links.


The browsing on the web site may require the processing of data relevant to identified or identifiable subjects. The Data Controller for such data is Sandro Gris owner of Agrimartino – Azienda Agrituristica Albarella sas, with registered office in Italy, Via Albanella, 30 – 06073 Mantignana di Corciano (Perugia) Italy – email:, Fiscal Code 06560050582, VAT number 02161270547. More information about the Data Processors may be obtained by sending an e-mail to Sandro Gris reserves the right not to respond to illegal requests or that are not based on the rights set out in the Privacy Code.


Some personal data, the transmission of which is implied in the use of communication protocols of the Internet, are captured by the software and systems, that enable the operation of this web site during normal operation. These data are not collected to be associated to individuals, but by their could, through processing and connections with information held by third parties, allow users to be Identified. For example, the data in question may be: the addresses provided by the ISP , the domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the resources requested , the time the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating given the status of the reply by the server (successful , error, etc.)  and other parameters regarding the operating system and all environment of the user. The use of longer available data is limited to the sun obtaining purpose of anonymous statistical information on the site and to check the its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: except for this possibility at present date concerning web contacts do not persist for more than 6 (six) months.


We do not use cookies to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are used cd persistent cookies of any kind, or systems for tracking users. The use of session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to consent the secure exploration and efficient site. THE SO-CALLED Session cookies used in this website avoid using other computer techniques that are potentially detrimental to the confidentiality of users’ browsing and do not allow acquisition of personal identification data.


The log files will be tracked for security reasons requiring the registration and maintenance of log files and their accessibility to the judicial police in the event that the latter request it. To this end, the file access log will be maintained for a period not exceeding 6 mesi/-1 year. Any access controls will be carried out in a gradual way and in full compliance with the law, particularly the principles of necessity and proportionality.


The submission by users of email addresses indicated on this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, and of any other personal data included in the message. Except as specified above with respect to navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data reported in modules for inclusion in the database of curricula or the sending of informative material or other communications. Their non-submission can make it impossible to fulfill the request.


Personal data are processed by automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. During the data processing that may directly or indirectly identify the user, Sandro Gris try to respect the principle of strict necessity. For this reason Sandro Gris has created the Web Site in such a way that the use of the user’s personal information is kept to the minimum: therefore it is excluded the processing of the user’s personal data when the purpose of the specific activity can be achieved through the use of anonymous data (such as, for example, market research aimed at improving services) or through other means that allow identification of the individual only when necessary or at the request of the authorities and police forces (such as, for example, data relevant to traffic and to time spent on the website or to user’s IP address). Personal information shall be disclosed to third parties only with the express consent of the concerned subject, except for the cases where the disclosure is required by law or the law requires an express consent or is instead required for purposes envisaged by law or for the carrying out of the activities requested by the user. Personal data shall not be transferred abroad to countries other than those belonging to the European Union, which do not provide a sufficient level of privacy protection . Sandro Gris guarantees to the user that the transfer of personal data to countries that do not belong to the European Union and that do not ensure an adequate level of protection shall be carried out only after the execution, between Sandro Gris and such entities, of specific agreements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Sandro Gris reserves the right to eliminate the accounts and all related data in case illicit contents, possibly damaging the image of Agrimation and/or of its products or of any third party, or otherwise offensive or that promote illegal or defamatory activities, pornographic contents, that inciting violence, promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion and sexual orientation, are discovered.


The specific purposes for which the data are processed are summarized from time to time, under the article 13, Privacy Code, which is presented to the user when it releases personal data.

In general, data are processed to provide the following services available at our Web Site:

1. registration to the contact form, to use the information services by contacting Sandro Gris;
2. adherence to specific and additional services, such as blogs, news, and other similar information on the Sandro Gris activities, including the sharing of its content and submission of your comments;
3. fulfillment of orders and related activities;
4. analysis of the user’s browsing.


The conferment to Sandro Gris of the user’s personal information is required in several collection occasions that, from time to time, is necessary to achieve the purposes identified in the relevant policy, or can be freely chosen by the user who wants to access to the services offered by the Web Site.
The eventual refusal to disclose to Sandro Gris certain information marked as compulsory, may make it impossible to achieve the main purpose of the specific collection: such refusal might, for example, make it impossible for Sandro Gris to respond and provide the requested information on “www.agrimartino” (Booking, the request for availability or information). The conferment to Sandro gris of additional data, other than those designated as essentials, is instead optional and shall not have any consequence in order to achieve the main purpose of the collection.


The data may also be communicated to all subjects to whom the communication is due for legal obligations. The list of subject that process personal information are always available by carrying out a specific request to Sandro Gris, Via Albanella 30 – 06073 Mantignana di Corciano (PG) Italy also by e-mail to:

No data deriving from the web service is disclosed.


User’s data shall be stored by Sandro Gris and for the period which shall be strictly necessary to ensure the proper supply of the required services – without prejudice for the obligation of data’s conservation for a longer period in compliance with the applicable regulations, including accounting regulations. It is understood that the data shall be stored and processed by Sandro Gris for the purposes of profiling for the maximum term allowed by the applicable law. At the end of this term, Sandro Gris may ask the user to renew the consent to the processing of personal data, or render the same data anonymous and keep them only for statistical or chronological purposes. The user shall always have, at any time,  the opportunity to revoke his/her consent to the processing of data by e-mail to:


The subjects to whom the personal data refer may at any time exercise, against the Data Controller, the rights provided for in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, including the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning them, to know the content and the origin of the data, the purposes and methods of the processing. They have also the right to verify the correctness, request the updating, correction or, if they have interest, the integration of data, the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data which have been unlawfully processed, including those whose conservation is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data have been collected or subsequently processed, and to object to the processing, for legitimate reasons, of their personal data, even if pertinent to the purposes of the collection, as well as the processing of personal data for the sending of advertising materials or direct selling purposes or for the carrying out of market researches or of information, promotional and commercial communication. It is possible to refuse, now or even at the time of all eventual future communications, the use of their own data.

To exercise the rights hereto, to obtain an updated list of the subject to whom the data are disclosed and for any further information relevant to the processing of personal data carried out by Sandro gris through the Web Site the user may contact us at the following address:

Agrimartino – Azienda Agrituristica Albarella sas – Via Albanella, 30 – 06073 Mantignana di Corciano (Perugia) Italy – email:


This information may be changed over time to adapt to any changes in the law or for reasons of commercial convenience. Any material change to this address will be published, and the user agree to periodically monitor this website to inquire about the validity or the modification of these conditions.


This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian Law and in particular by the Privacy Code which governs the processing of personal data – also held overseas – carried out by anyone who is domiciled or has registered offices in Italy. The Privacy Code guarantees that the processing of personal data shall be processed in light of the respect of the rights and of fundamental freedoms, as well in light of the user’s dignity, particularly with regard to confidentiality, personal identity and the right of protection of personal data.